Reaching Young Moms and Dads in Colorado [Listen to Interview]
Denver Area YFC’s Parent Life ministry in Aurora, Colorado continues to prepare teen moms and dads for the workforce through mentorship from community leaders. The ministry also provides the teens with “spiritual wellness packages” that are filled with encouraging notes, Scriptures and activities for teen parents and their kid(s).
Listen to an Interview with Denver Area YFC Ministry Leader, Alexandra Straughter from KLTT AM
Get Storie of God at Work
We believe the Gospel comes to life in the overlap of God’s story, our story, and a young person's story.

3 Minutes
Fighting the Fatherless Problem in Today’s Culture
YFC team witness the multi-faceted by-products of fatherlessness.

5 minutes
Drive Through Dinner and Diapers
Over the last year, COVID-19 has prevented the Parent Life ministry from meeting face to face for weekly group.

2 minutes
The Positive Effects of Mentoring
More than one in three young people never had an adult mentor of any kind while growing up.

2 Minutes
A Simple Invite
Parent Life ministry reaches expectant and parenting teens and their children in unique ways to empower them in their next steps

3 Minutes
Fighting the Fatherless Problem in Today’s Culture
YFC team witness the multi-faceted by-products of fatherlessness.

5 minutes
Drive Through Dinner and Diapers
Over the last year, COVID-19 has prevented the Parent Life ministry from meeting face to face for weekly group.

2 minutes
The Positive Effects of Mentoring
More than one in three young people never had an adult mentor of any kind while growing up.

2 Minutes
A Simple Invite
Parent Life ministry reaches expectant and parenting teens and their children in unique ways to empower them in their next steps